recent event made me remember an incident that happened when I used to be a
Sunday school children teacher. I was just 18 years old and I was the Head of
the Children Department in my church and the only one managing the baby
and older children class. After a while, an assistant came in, a Hausa mother,
who would tell me ‘Toh, Mummy children (my assigned name) you dey try with
these children oh”. After a while she left and another woman came.
Saturday, 28 December 2013
Thursday, 26 December 2013
And It Came To Pass…It Was Not A Lonely Christmas
‘Tis the Season of Joy. Our Saviour is born.
Christ is born, a King is born. Merry Christmas Y’all.
This is the first Christmas I’ll
spend alone in my house. I came home to spend my Christmas and take care of
our poultry in the absence of my mum who decided to jet out and leave me *sob*.
Jesus' birthday,
Sunday, 15 December 2013
What Do You Mean?
*Clears cyber cobwebs* I know it’s
been a while -in blog world that’s like for eternity- I have been here.
Sometimes, life happens and you just have to take some time off. I have been getting feedback on some of my blog
posts, requests to write more and questions about why I stopped blogging.
Monday, 23 September 2013
On One sided stories, Okada ban and the Governor's answers.
I was watching Moments with Mo on Sunday evening and I heard this...
"I googled 'Lagos' and images of yellow buses stuck in traffic with a crowd of people came up and when I got here (Nigeria) it was totally different" - Saad Cheama, Global manager Rocket Internet Gmbh
I attended an event in Lagos as an AGDC delegate on Saturday, Youth Stakeholder's Forum by the AGDC and Lagos Ignite.
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
What Toddlers Don't tell you (Naija Toddler) - Part Two
First of all. let me put it out there You can call me Naija Pikin, razz or not razz. Let me tell you my story the naija way. I am titling this "Life as a naija baby".
- Pet Peeves: CBeebies. Yep, you heard me. Why all the oyinbo? When my parents speak typical naija language to themselves at home. hian. One of the major entertainment channels we have is Cbeebies. Isn't there any indigenous TV channel where we can switch to?
Monday, 19 August 2013
What Toddlers don't tell you - Part One
Nobody makes you fear rapture better than toddlers, they have made it really visual enough to understand what it is like.
Their disappearing act is out of this world. One minute they are by your side,
the next minute you are combing the whole area for them and questioning your sanity. Swift, tiny legs
carrying tiny bodies away as fast as possible in a flash, that what's up. Sorry, Usain Bolt you are a learner.
I have been doing a lot of
babysitting recently and I learnt a whole new lotta things. Things they
probably teach you in some psychology class. So this toddler- who is
their spokesperson- will be telling you ten things they feel you should know.
Sunday, 11 August 2013
I am giving a huge tuale to Inthemidstofher for nominating me for this Libester award. Keep giving us those wonderful posts and encouraging us young madams on Christian marriages and relationships.
Here are the rules
1) Thank the blogger that nominated you.
2) List 11 random facts about you
3) Answer the questions by the blogger that nominated you
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
This place called Heaven
Before I go on I’d like to recall this song by Micah
Stampley “Heaven on earth” and one by Deitrick Haddon “Well done”. Those songs
make me go craaazzyy every time I hear them. Hmmm… but seriously what is Heaven
really like? As usual nau I have gist. Oya leggoooo.
I was in Unilag some days back when a hand just
stretched out a booklet from the back of the cab to me in the front seat. Toh! I began to read.
Deitrick Haddon,
Micah Stampley
Saturday, 27 July 2013
The Right Name
You know that bank that does this ad
about them having an ATM on the moon? Yeah, that one! I had an episode with
a Saturday evening, on my way from a conference, I went to use the ATM at
one of their branches in Ibadan. The traffic at the branch was almost non-existent.
I inserted my ATM card into the machine and I noticed it couldn't retract the
card. I tried removing it with my keys but the card went further inside. Then,
security man came to see what the drama was all about and told me to wait for
the ATM operating officer. As we were contemplating what to do, another girl
waltzed to the machine and same happened.
Sunday, 14 July 2013
Every now and then, I hear of stories of someone who was hurt terribly to the extent that forgiveness seems just far out of the question or totally impossible. When I first heard of Malala Yousafzai story months back, I tried to imagine how hard or easy it was to forgive her Taliban shooter. Then,
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Those who endure to the end...
To everyone out there
trying to overcome the chill of the cold, rainy weather we are experiencing in
Nigeria, especially in Lagos; I say you are not alone. I had this experience in
church yesterday; I'd like to share with you.
I am in Lagos, I attend Chapel of the Healing Cross. with my folks. Every now and
then there are people who just return from the all parts of the world with
their own weather peculiarities. Every once in a month, the Chapel holds a
Bible Study and Prayer Project (BISAPP) in one of the buildings away from the
church where everyone is split into groups. The cathedral air conditioner was
super cold, probably because the ‘overseas’members were around. So imagine my
joy when the time for bible study came and we had to leave the cathedral.
The topic for the
day was ‘THE PATH TO JOY’, unfortunately it was my path to the Antarctic and Iceland
combined. The only definition I can come up with the temperature of that place
was… I can’t find the word. So the preacher kept asking questions I would love to answer under a different circumstance.
- ‘Can you mention some of the things the Bible says about Heaven?’
- What are some truths and feature regarding death that we ought to know?
- Discuss some of the joys that are derived by being in the presence of God?’
![]() |
This was my look right then |
Hmmm….yeah….Dear Lord, If I survive this, I know there
is no mountain I cannot climb. I couldn't feel my fingers and my insides were
vibrating. Just then I remembered the story of a girl where I used to work, that
collapsed because of the AC. I didn't want to end up like that oh.Then, I kept
throwing SOS glances at my folks behind but they kept giving me that ‘What?’
look. Nobody was complaining so I just
pretended. Why is everybody so calm? What is wrong with me? O ma ga o.
I just had to behave
myself because all the Professors and former deans and Provosts of Unilag were
there. Just when I couldn't take it any longer, the closing prayer came.
Right outside the church I
am chanting “ I made it, I am alive” phew. Then my Sis-in-law tells me that it
was because I sat right under where the air from the opposite air conditioners meet! No wonder no one was complaining.
At the end of the study, I went to say hello
to my former MD and his wife who sat two rows behind me and the words he spoke
to me were just amazing. God surprises you when and where you least expect it. I
am not telling what he said. Hehehe.
Lesson learnt: They that endure till the end… shall not die of cold. *wink*
stumbled on this blog, you can check it out. its cool
Related articles
- Enduring Until the End (teatimewithesther.wordpress.com)
Sunday, 9 June 2013
'Orebe' - The birthday story
When I was in primary school, there was this song we sing for birthday celebrants. It goes like this “Olojo ibi, ijo kan e o, se were koda wa loun” –Meaning: “Birthday celebrant, it’s time for you to dance, act in haste and answer our call…Orebe” {clap, clap, clap}. FORGET THAT! I had my own version, “Olojo ibi, ijo kan e o, se were ni e, ko da wa loun” {clap, clap, clap} – Meaning: “Birthday celebrant, it’s your turn to dance, ARE YOU MAD? Please answer us".
Don’t blame me; I was just an Edo girl, living in Ibadan who was still learning how to speak the language.
Monday, 3 June 2013
The Cinema hits the Ancient City again
Danielle Steele is a very good writer, but I couldn't wait to finish reading ‘Zoya’, the carousel-like plot was making me mentally dizzy. ‘Zoya’ the main character, marries guy
then he dies, she remarries, he dies,
she remarries again he … - see what I suffered? The radio was my hope of
sanity-at least. I tuned to The BEAT FM 97.9 and Vicky and ‘Amakanda’-
you should listen to them, really lovely, hilarious ladies- were on air, talking about the
new film house at the Heritage Mall at Dugbe, Ibadan. They talked about the movies that were showing …and guess what, they
were offering free viewing. I was tired of sitting and reading Steele anyway,
so I got dressed. I lost the battle for the car key to my mum who decided at the last minute to
drive my ride somewhere else. In contrast, trekking is better than that spin of
a book. Psst
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
Water, Blood and... Everything in between.
I remember being added
to an online group that had a mandate of recruiting twenty million youths to come
together to fight for their rightful position in leadership, inclusion in the
running of the of the government and to oust the tyranny of recycled leadership.
Although, this mandate is not peculiar to this group alone, it is the burning
desire of young people all over the country who pine for better governance- I stand
corrected. I was excited at first, but then I went through some of the
comments made on that page and I realized the sad truth- we are not ready.
Sunday, 21 April 2013

Somewhere in Ibadan
“Good Morning mum, how was your night shift?”
Fareedah (Pseudo name) said smiling and genuflecting welcoming her mother. She
peeped into the white nylon bag containing the loaf of bread her mother never
forgot to buy on her way back from work. “Pele omo mi.[Nearest Meaning:How are you my child?] Oh! Thank goodness we
have light”, I really need to take a cool shower and sleep, I am tired”, her
mother sighed.
Thursday, 18 April 2013
Warning: This is a very random blog post.
You see, I have this thing in me, I thought was never there. I am still in the process of obtaining a restraining order against Microsoft word because I think I have been conspired against by the forces that make this world spin and worse, by the forces that try to make it not to. Every time, this brainwave walks into my head, sits, crosses its legs, stares intently at me, lights a cigar and begins to blow smoke rings towards me. I ignore it, I really try to. Then it picks up cymbals and starts to strike them together. I immediately develop selective deafness, I am too busy. No time. Then it beckons to my phobia- Astraphobia. Finally I give in. I really think it is high time that atavistic(hmmm, big word) astraphobia always hovering around is dealt with. On realizing it has crossed the Rubicon, it gets up and whistles away. Annoying Brat…
You see, I have this thing in me, I thought was never there. I am still in the process of obtaining a restraining order against Microsoft word because I think I have been conspired against by the forces that make this world spin and worse, by the forces that try to make it not to. Every time, this brainwave walks into my head, sits, crosses its legs, stares intently at me, lights a cigar and begins to blow smoke rings towards me. I ignore it, I really try to. Then it picks up cymbals and starts to strike them together. I immediately develop selective deafness, I am too busy. No time. Then it beckons to my phobia- Astraphobia. Finally I give in. I really think it is high time that atavistic(hmmm, big word) astraphobia always hovering around is dealt with. On realizing it has crossed the Rubicon, it gets up and whistles away. Annoying Brat…
Formula One,
Thursday, 4 April 2013
Touched by an angel
Most times, we complain about our country, the government, the economy, our neighbors,
friends and more often than not, God. Whatever it is, there is always something/someone
to complain about or blame, just like President Jonathan who deems it seemingly
fit to blame ‘no one’ for corruption. Good thing is, that he has ‘one’ to
blame. So, in my queenly garment, scepter and my cute poodle (wink), I finally
decided to summon courage and blog this (this story is about a month late I
have been really busy).
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Before I begin to tell you my story
today, I would like to say thank you to all who gave me feedback to my last
post “This is Sabo”, I really appreciate you all.
I was born in the city of Ibadan, born and
bred in her. I didn't understand the language early enough and sometimes I was
nonchalant about it. Not because I was proud, not because I hated the people
but because I was just felt I didn't need to understand the language. It wasn't until the folks around me began to stylishly throw fancy insults at me. When I realized,
I made up my mind that I had heard enough. So I started learning the insults.
Saturday, 23 February 2013

Saturday, 16 February 2013
Diary of a bridesmaid: One for the bride

Friday, 15 February 2013
One Mixture, too many...

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