Sunday, 9 June 2013

'Orebe' - The birthday story

When I was in primary school, there was this song we sing for birthday celebrants.  It goes like this Olojo ibi, ijo kan e o, se were koda wa loun” –Meaning:  “Birthday celebrant, it’s time for you to dance, act in haste and answer our call…Orebe” {clap, clap, clap}. FORGET THAT! I had my own version, Olojo ibi, ijo kan e o, se were ni e, ko da wa loun” {clap, clap, clap} – Meaning: “Birthday celebrant, it’s your turn to dance, ARE YOU MAD? Please answer us".

Don’t blame me; I was just an Edo girl, living in Ibadan who was still learning how to speak the language.

So, it was my sweet sixteenth birthday on the 5th of June, on Wednesday, that is. It was a much anticipated birthday by every other person, except me. For some unknown reason, I wasn't too excited about it. My mum tried to arrange ‘owanmbe’ party for me. Thank God I wasn't in Ibadan. So, I am on the phone throughout the early hours of my birthday morning with a friend, replying birthday wishes on Whatsapp, BBM, Facebook and Twitter (this continued till the next day, by the way), trying some new techniques on my new blog  and trying to figure out the source of irregular pain I was feeling.

 Talk about multi-tasking.

On ending my convo by 5 am,  went to bed, got dressed at 8 am to drop my niece off at school and BAM! It hit me. Cramps! Aww shucks. You know that level of cramp where you begin to hallucinate, retch, lose appetite, cut yourself with your nails and begin to consider a sex change. Yep, that kind. I had it for 3 days. Jesus loves me, this I know. But, I felt Him there through it all.

Then my Sis-in-law calls me and tells me someone would be bringing a package for her to the house. Yeah whatever, I need morphine, right now. Then someone knocks and I see this…

God bless her. I was excited, but the sight of the icing and sugar just made the cramps worse. The Devil is a liar.

 I managed to drag myself to church in the evening to praise God for seeing another year. Yep, you guessed right I sat down throughout the service. Hian! Sorry, no posing with cake photo for now, I was busy writhing in pain to do that.  By the time cake had reached this stage the next day, yours truly had not had the faintest taste of cake.  

So by noon, I was added to a group of my primary school friends on BBM. I had crazy FUN!. E. M. Kinderland rocks!  Coincidentally, they were the ones I used to sing that ‘Orebe’ song with. By the way, I have celebs as ex schoolmates, Opeyemi Adewale of Premier FM 93.5 is one of them and he did a song, I would love to share with you. Thanks for all the well-wishes. God bless. Mwaaaah.

 So here is Ope's song, I loved it. He is an instrumentalist too. Feel free to download.

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  1. Hmm… I know the feeling! Ouch!! happy birthday in arrears!

    Ps…Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  2. Hi! Doc. Hmm. I am sure you know the feeling. You are welcome. I was really blessed by your blog. God bless.

  3. that cake is tempting mehn! its amazing to be a June born init? lol Happy belated birthday! best wishes!!!

    1. Hi Priscy,yes oooo. It is mighty amazing. I hope you are a June baby too? Fingers crossed. thanks
      P.S: I have been trying to reply but had issues with my internet connection.


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