To everyone out there
trying to overcome the chill of the cold, rainy weather we are experiencing in
Nigeria, especially in Lagos; I say you are not alone. I had this experience in
church yesterday; I'd like to share with you.
I am in Lagos, I attend Chapel of the Healing Cross. with my folks. Every now and
then there are people who just return from the all parts of the world with
their own weather peculiarities. Every once in a month, the Chapel holds a
Bible Study and Prayer Project (BISAPP) in one of the buildings away from the
church where everyone is split into groups. The cathedral air conditioner was
super cold, probably because the ‘overseas’members were around. So imagine my
joy when the time for bible study came and we had to leave the cathedral.
The topic for the
day was ‘THE PATH TO JOY’, unfortunately it was my path to the Antarctic and Iceland
combined. The only definition I can come up with the temperature of that place
was… I can’t find the word. So the preacher kept asking questions I would love to answer under a different circumstance.
- ‘Can you mention some of
the things the Bible says about Heaven?’
- What are some truths and
feature regarding death that we ought to know?
- Discuss some of the joys
that are derived by being in the presence of God?’
This was my look right then |
Hmmm….yeah….Dear Lord, If I survive this, I know there
is no mountain I cannot climb. I couldn't feel my fingers and my insides were
vibrating. Just then I remembered the story of a girl where I used to work, that
collapsed because of the AC. I didn't want to end up like that oh.Then, I kept
throwing SOS glances at my folks behind but they kept giving me that ‘What?’
look. Nobody was complaining so I just
pretended. Why is everybody so calm? What is wrong with me? O ma ga o.
I just had to behave
myself because all the Professors and former deans and Provosts of Unilag were
there. Just when I couldn't take it any longer, the closing prayer came.
Right outside the church I
am chanting “ I made it, I am alive” phew. Then my Sis-in-law tells me that it
was because I sat right under where the air from the opposite air conditioners meet! No wonder no one was complaining.
At the end of the study, I went to say hello
to my former MD and his wife who sat two rows behind me and the words he spoke
to me were just amazing. God surprises you when and where you least expect it. I
am not telling what he said. Hehehe.
Lesson learnt: They that endure till the end… shall not die of cold. *wink*
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