Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Where did my axe head fall?


Losing something, someone important you have fought so hard consciously or unconsciously to keep, or have taken granted that such a thing can ever be taken from you is one of life cruelest cold water in the face moments. When life hands you lemons make lemonade. At least those are lemons, what if it is bile or scorpion venom what do you make of it?

A Suicide potion!!

You never know what you have until you lose it. I never knew the true meaning of these words until I lost what introverts like me in computer age call “their true best friends”. It was like one of those moments in “Glee” (yeah, I am a “glee” fan, in my head I am an invisible club member) when you are soaked in slushy during your very happy moments. I was ‘slushied’ when I had the goofiest smile on my face.

The grief of the loss of my mobile communicators is what makes me write this blog today, after such really long, boring and totally annoying procrastination habit of mine. Blogging is fun but I guess that was exactly what Apostle Paul was lamenting about in the book of Romans 7: 19. The reason why the loss of a mobile phone is unusual to me might be strange to you. It is not every day one person loses two phones in one night. But the thing is, I have never ever misplaced a mobile phone and I have been using mobile phones since their introduction into the Nigerian market. And I have bragged about this as if it were sort of an achievement. So you can imagine the pathetic sound of my deflating balloon. I seem to hear it in every “pele”, “eyaa” or “awww” and in my annoying compulsive urge to tell everyone I meet that I misplaced my phones whether the situation requires it or not.

In all this nothing puzzles me as to how or where it got stolen. I seem not to remember where, when or how the phones disappeared. I remember I was a little pissed due to a slight misunderstanding with my mum in her car about the size of yam I had in my bag. So in my mini-rage, I must have lost a teeny bit of my presence of mind and devil (or someone/something else) decided to send an invisible hand to swoop down and snatch my phones. That’s my theory. My neighbor’s son at the back seat said he saw the phones in my hand when I came down to open the car booth for the yam seller. What happened after then I know not. One of the greatest unsolved mysteries of my life!

As though it were the icing on the cake, water spilled on the ‘chinco’ (china) phone I was ‘managing’ after the loss, the one I usually throw in the corner and give to kids to play with when they come to visit. Having no means of electronic communication, I was cut off totally. *sigh* There’s got to be some explanation, maybe the stars in space weren’t properly aligned or something. I am laughing at this (LOL)

Alas though it wasn’t borrowed, but Master, all I ask is where did my axe head(s) fall? I wish you would cast in a stick(s) and let them swim.

Hehehe........... Meanwhile follow me on Twitter @tweetk3mist.

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