Tuesday, 2 August 2011


Getting Bin Laden

What happened that night in Abbottabad.

by August 8, 2011

No American was yet inside the residential part of the compound. The operatives had barely been on target for a minute, and the mission was already veering off course. Photoillustration by John Ritter.
No American was yet inside the residential part of the compound. The operatives had barely been on target for a minute, and the mission was already veering off course. Photoillustration by John Ritter.


This is a topic which aroused my interest when Pastor E.A Adeboye declared total war on indecency of women in church(www.nigeriafilms.com, www.sturvs.com)  and some people said men should be blamed for women's indecency!.
 The question is: really who is to blame? Women are sensible human beings who do not need to be told what to do before they do the right thing. there are women running businesses in major and minor sectors of the world. These women do not have to be told how or what to do by men before taking actions. So it is in the area of their dressing, simply because a man compliments her dressing does not mean  she should go naked to impress him. A woman is not aroused by a male not properly dressed in Church, institutions of learning,or work places. This has caused major problems all over the world and the devil is capitalizing on this to wreck havoc.Yes men dress indecently by sagging e.t.c but it isn't not what has caused the downfall of pastors,church members,civilians, or everyday people in general .(because they' hardly' dress like that to church anyway). Is it not when a man sees a woman's exposed breasts and thighs that sin begins to brew?. It is only a horny woman that will see a man chest or legs(whether in movie or when he removes his clothes to work) that will begin to feel like committing sin.BUT let a man, any man (anointed or spirit-filled) see a woman's half-clad body he will feel something.that is why God said a woman should be properly dressed(because HE knows what he created). David(anointed and God chosen O!) saw a woman's naked body (Bathsheba) and committed sin, but when his wife, Michal saw him dancing naked she was irritated, even though she was punished afterwards for it.(2 Samuel :20). A man's naked body in public is irritating to ladies (normal ones). The clergy is talking about  the CHURCH here .I"d like people to address the issue here not talk about 'flying pigs and creeping monkeys' please....     www.sturvs.com www.nigeriafilms.com

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

 A dream! A long black snake going in circles chasing its own tail, August Kekule woke from his dream and Eureka! The true structure of the benzene ring was born.

This brings me to the topic:  EVERYDAY WITH CHEMISTRY.

Sunday, 24 July 2011


  Music is a language the body understands, when the same note on a musical instrument is struck over and over again, the dancer soon wears out.
  I am here to speak not because am a Nigerian, not because am a youth, but because I am a student of change who has discovered that nowadays University education is being sought after only to obtain white collar jobs. Too much dependence on paper qualification has ultimately crippled the thinking capacity of the average Nigerian student, so blessed with the gift of creativity and innovation .paper qualification will only lead us to a rat race that never ends thereby shedding the blood of innovation on the altar of a ‘paper degree’.
  Gone are the days when the university used to be the point of reference, when the town looked to gown for answers but now it seems the tide has turned. The line between the illiterate on the street and the literate behind the desk is thinning at an exponential rate. Our children will not remember us by the number of protests we took part in, but that we provided alternative solutions to existing problems. With every protest, it is a shame we celebrate.
  Nothing will be unless we make it be. Every student of art, science, technology is saddled with the responsibility of providing solutions to salient situations that plague our society. Michael Faraday, Isaac Newton, Thomas Edison did not create new inventions with sophisticated instruments but with crude instruments did they improvise, till they got it right. We should not wait for the government’s whistle to blow before we begin to dance.
 It is time to think outside the box and begin to create Materials for study rather than be dictated to in a classroom. It is condescending that a student of a tertiary institution is being told what to write rather than writing to tell.Our inactions must cease and our true identity as custodians of the gown of character, learning and skill be revealed. For only then will our children and even our great-grand children remember us.
The music is changing and it is time for a new dance, or else we wear out in no time. Thank you.